How to Improve iPhone Music Library
Hi guys, today we'll see 3 things:

  1. Get rid of the iPod / iPhone Music you don't fancy much anymore
  2. Discover great new songs associated with the music you already like
  3. Download music for free to your iPod / iPhone

Get rid of iPod Music you don't like anymore the smart way


First off, connect your iPod / iPhone to iTunes and set it to be manually managed

Create a new iPod playlist called "Unrated"

Sort iPod songs by rating (by clicking on top of the Rating column)

Drag all iPod songs that have no rating yet into that playlist

Eject iPod

Now, on your iPod, go to Settings -> Shuffle and choose Songs

Then, on your iPod main menu and click Shuffle Songs (on iPhone, you just need to click the Shuffle icon)

Go to Music -> Playlists -> "Unrated" and click Play (use the lower part of your iPod wheel for this, not the center button)
This will shuffle songs on your iPod within your "Unrated" playlist only

Now, every time you listen to an iPod song, make sure you give it a rating from 1 to 5

I personally rate my songs as follows:

5. Awesome songs I really love
4. Great songs I like to listen frequently
3. Decent songs, but with nothing special
1 – 2. Songs I want to delete next time I connect my iPod to iTunes

Now, every time you connect your iPod / iPhone to iTunes, proceed as follows:

Sort its songs by rating and delete all the ones with 1-2 stars

Click the Unrated playlist in iTunes left panel and remove the newly rated songs from it, which will only remove them from the playlist, not from your iPod

By regularly proceeding this way, you will quickly improve your iPod music library and the pleasure of listening to it


Discover great new songs and get them for free


In iTunes, click the Genius button in the lower-right corner of the program

Log in to the iTunes Music Store with your Apple ID (create one if necessary) and let iTunes gather information about your music library

Now, sort your iPod songs by rating and play any songs with 5 stars

iTunes will suggest associated music in its Genius right panel
You can listen to these songs for free by clicking the Play button

From then on, you can either buy those songs from the Music Store, but you can also get them for free with a very simple technique


Download any song for free


Search for the song you like in YouTube

Start playing it

Copy (CTRL+C) the address of the video from your web browser (in the address bar on top of your screen), which should look like

Paste this address (CTRL+V) on YTMP3 click Convert Video and then Download

The soundtrack of the YouTube video will end up in your Download folder or on your Desktop

From there, you can drag it to your iPod and / or iTunes

Make sure you also drag the song to the "Unrated" playlist of your iPod for future selection (see above)


Notes & possible issues

Legal notice:

Uploading copyrighted material, for example music, to YouTube and / or grabbing soundtracks from YouTube videos are both illegal

Do it at your own risk or preferably purchase entirely legal music from the Apple Music Store

Artists deserve to be retributed for their work

This website does not endorse any responsibility for the use you make of facilities offered throughout the Internet

iPhone Expert

Mike Johnson

Founder and Editor of has a sincere desire to provide readers with honest and useful solutions for their iPhone
More about him on Google+

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